In Your Path (2020)
The following are select pages from the 174 page book.
From the foreword
In Your Path is a four-chapter, autobiographical graphic novel that represents the culmination of my graduate degree studies.
My grandfather, Yoshiteru Murakami, was born in 1926. He died from undiagnosed Addison’s disease in 1975, long before I could ever hope to meet him.
For so long I’d been enamored with this mysterious and legendary character in my own personal history, and for so long I’d known so little about him. In writing, my notes and thoughts about themes of home, loss, hope, and love, gave me the opportunity to look for instances where my grandfather’s footsteps and my own overlapped.
The family story never leaves us; it is a thread that connects me through my father to the grandfather I never met, to his parents before him and so on, back farther than I’ll ever know. His story lives in me, and I am the living product of my own historical moment, as you are yours.